Fundraising Consulting Services, LLC
Specializing in Philanthropic Fundraising Support
Strategic Planning:
Strategic Planning
Resource Research
Resource Development
Fundraising Program Development
Grant Research, Proposal Writing & Funding:
Foundation/Trust/Grant Profile Research
Grant Funding Cycle Development
Grant Proposal Writing
Grant Reporting/Tracking
Challenge/Matching Grants
Corporate Fundraising:
Corporate Grant Profile Research
Corporate In-kind Donation Acquisition
Corporate Partnering
Corporate Direct Fund Donations
The mission of FCS, is to empower organizations to reach their mission, through helping them to meet their fundraising goals.
FCS accomplishes this mission through partnering with our clients to help them through an education process that includes strategic planning of a comprehensive resource development program. We then support them in the implementation of the strategic plan, and the development program.
COMMUNITY: We value community, specifically building relationships within the nonprofit and funding communities that help foster sustainability in nonprofit organizations. We respect all of the constituents involved in the organization's community stakeholders, colleagues, Board Members and the public, and, endeavour to work authentically and collaboratively within the community.
PARTNERSHIPS: We value partnerships that we have developed over time with individuals, business, nonprofit and funding communities. We believe in genuinely supporting all aspects of these partnerships. We endeavour to maintain a professional climate with our clients and the community.
RESPECT OF CHOICE: We believe in free-will choice and enabling individuals to be empowered in self-direction in the options that they have. We encourage people to exercise good choices through setting goals and objectives and making good decisions. We respect both the process and the outcome of these decisions. We help our clients develop strategic goals and effective and efficient business practices.
DIVERSITY: We believe in supporting and respecting individual diversity and believe that diversity should be embraced and celebrated. We honor the dignity of difference in the areas of ethnicity, religion, family composition, physical and/or cognitive abilities, or historical experiences.
HUMILITY: We encourage and expect genuine collaboration, involvement and teamwork. We are active listeners that embrace client, consultant and community feedback to continuously strengthen our service to all.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Together, we are unyielding in delivering on our commitments and achieving results. We are innovators and solution oriented; empowered to exceed client expectations.
TRANSPARENCY: We clearly know our business practices, and we insist on honesty, openness, consistency, and completely ethical dealings, even when it’s difficult.
SERVING: Our passion is to serve and continually improve our level of support to our clients, and the philanthropic community that we serve.
Julie Boyer
Principal, Consultant
Cell: 720-935-2459
Julie M. Boyer, MPA, Principal, Consultant
Julie holds a Master of Public Administration Degree (MPA) degree from CU Denver, Graduate School of Public Affairs, with an emphasis in Nonprofit Administration and Criminal Justice. She also holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from Metropolitan State University of Denver, with a certification in Nonprofit Business Administration and Addictions Counseling (CAC III with the State of Colorado, DORA).
In 1996, Julie started a consulting firm called "Grant Funding Services". She spent several years conducting research for grant resources and writing grants for nonprofit organizations. However, as her business and education progressed, she was called on to offer more comprehensive fundraising and training services for nonprofit organizations, city, state and county governments, hospitals and schools, etc.
She continued to support her clients through writing and implementing strategic fundraising plans, grant research, grant proposal writing, program development, program evaluation, planned giving and budget development. Julie has worked on a local, regional, state, national and international level. She has also helped organizations with program development, board of director training, budget development and all areas of nonprofit development & training.
The name of "Grant Funding Services" was changed to "Fundraising Consulting Services, LLC" in 2007, to provide a more comprehensive representation of the types of services that are offered through the business. Julie has been a fundraising consultant for over 20 years.
Julie is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
Fundraising Consulting Services, LLC
Julie M. Boyer, MPA
Principal, Consultant
Fundraising Consulting Services, LLC
P.O. Box 33
Holyoke, CO 80734
Cell: 720-935-2459
Email: jmboyer50@msn.com
Website: www.fundraisingconsultingservices.com
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: